Mahesh Dattani

Mahesh Dattani is an Indian director, actor, playwright and writer. He wrote such plays as Final Solutions, Dance Like a Man, Bravely Fought the Queen, On a Muggy Night in Mumbai, Tara,Thirty Days in September and The murder that never was, starring Dheiraj Kapoor.

Mahesh Dattani was born in Bangalore. He went to Baldwin Boys High School and then went on to join St. Josephs College, Bangalore. Dattani is a graduate in History, Economics and Political Science. He is a postgraduate in Marketing and Advertising Management. After reading Edward Albees play Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf in his early life, Mahesh was interested in writing. He was influenced by Gujarati playwright Madhu Ryes Kumarni Agashi and developed interest in playwriting.

Source: Wikipedia